There are endless terms in the field of fashion, and it's easy to feel overwhelmed, especially when some of them seem to get confused... The number of anglicisms, that is, terms in English, does not help either. The term slow fashion, slow fashion, is the opposite of fast fashion, fast fashion, that driven solely by current trends and consumerism.
Slow fashion is more than a trend, it is a way of thinking and conceiving fashion from a conscious, ethical and respectful approach to the environment, workers and consumers.
Slow Fashion gained notoriety after the tragedy that occurred in the factory in Bangladesh in 2013. More than 1,100 people died when the building where they were industrially producing garments collapsed. A building that did not comply with basic security measures.
After this event, more and more people choose to support a philosophy of responsible clothing consumption, which tries to raise awareness about the impact of clothing on the environment, the depletion of resources and the impact of the textile industry on society. .
Some characteristics of a slow fashion brand:
- It is manufactured with high quality materials.
- They are usually sold in small (local) shops or on the internet, rather than in large chains.
- Garments of local origin, production and sale
- Often made to order to reduce unnecessary production
The objective of slow fashion, therefore, is not only focused on the production system per se, but also on getting consumers to inquire more about each of the garments they purchase and charge greater social and environmental responsibility through their purchases. .